Sunday, December 30, 2007

Tony Romo Spotted in Wentzville, MO!!!

If you're wondering why Tony Romo didn't show up for the Cowboy's game against Washington, it's because he was dining at the Applebee's in lovely Wentzville, MO!

Seems Missourians don't find the Dallas Cowboys as important as many of us former Texans! Since the losing St. Louis Rams were playing at the same time as the Cowboys, we didn't get the game at home. (Yes, we're paying $99 for NFL ticket next year!) So, we get this great idea that we'll go watch the game at Applebees and Paul Barry would wear his new Romo jersey he received from my sister for Christmas. So, the 3 of us load up and proudly head to Applebees with plans of taking pictures for our blog site. How funny would it be to post pictures of Paul in his Romo jersey and say he was spotted at Applebee's with a woman who's not Jessica Simpson???? (Just older, fatter, less endowed, etc, etc, etc. Plus, this woman would have had a 10 year old with her, drinking milkshakes!)

We thought it would be funny at the time, but after the Cowboys began losing and Tony Romo continued to prove why Jessica's not good for him, Paul Barry was too embarassed to even go to the bathroom and wouldn't let us take any pictures. In fact, we had to quickly run from the restaurant with bags over our heads when we were ready to leave!

Paul Barry now says if the Cowboys lose their first playoff game he's going to burn the jersey in the front yard. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.

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