Saturday, December 15, 2007

Why I'm Not a Member of the Portrait Club!

This is a very special Christmas to us, being Yulia's first holiday. So, I'm holding you, all of my friends and family, responsible for not telling me to avoid JCP's Portrait Studio.

From previous posts, you know I wasn't very happy with the picture color and quality. Well, imagine my unhappiness when I went to pick up the picture Christmas cards Friday and our personal information was NOT ON THE CARDS!

Long story: After our first exciting visit to JCP, I got home and realized temp worker #1 hadn't asked what I wanted on the Christmas cards. I phoned her and asked her to add "Love, The Barrys, 2007." That was December 3rd.

Yesterday, December 14, we went to pick up the cards and temp worker #2 couldn't figure out why we had ordered 755 Christmas cards! After I told her we didn't have that many friends and family, we realized the personalized information wasn't on ANY of the cards. No problem, temp worker #2 says, "You can just get one of those gel pens and write whatever you want on the cards." Well, what a great idea. WHY DON'T I KNIT MATCHING SWEATERS FOR MY ENTIRE FAMILY WHILE I'M AT IT! I have so much time on my hands. The reason one purchases these personalized cards is so that one will not have to write on by one. Long story short, temp worker #2 attempts to tell Karen Barry that she can't do anything about this because she can't "find her manager." After some boisterious demands, which sent Yulia hiding under the counter, temp worker #2 did manage to find the store manager, Lance.

I must say, Lance did meet my needs. I received all 755 cards for free, so now we're in search of "one of those gel pens" that will show up on our cards. So, when you receive our Trailer Trash cards, you'll know why. In fact, you'll probably be getting them next year since we have so many of them and we can just write what we want every year. If anyone would like some extra cards, let us know. You can use these. They're not personalized and the picture of Yulia's not that great, so no one will know it's not your child. Let us know if we can be of assistance.

*P.S. It's snowing today. Very pretty. We're supposed to get 4-6 inches. We'll have to take some pictures. Wonder where we'll have them developed?

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