Saturday, January 3, 2009

And they said it wouldn't last.....

Debbie and Larry celebrated two years of marital bliss Dec. 30 and my sister wanted to celebrate with a rousing game of bowling with family. (Apparently living in Celina has done this to her.) It was hilarious.

Big Sis showing Yulia the "bowling" ropes.

This picture was taken only minutes before Britney became the first person I've ever seen throw a 7 pound bowling ball 3 lanes over to the left. That hot pink ball was airborne. Luckily, no one was injured and no, Britney did not get a spare. This picture was also taken only minutes before Colyn realized the lens was dirty on our camera. Wow, what a difference.

Really, Mr. Bowling Lane Manager, my sister doesn't drink. She doesn't touch the stuff.

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