Thursday, February 28, 2008


It is with much excitement that I announce the Barry Blog is back on the web!!!! It has been most difficult to be sans computer for over a week. I know Paul Barry is glad we're back up and running because he's tired of me complaining. It's kinda a love-hate relationship. You love having a computer, but at the same time, it's nice knowing there's no computer on which to check e mail when you get home. And no computer on which to blog.

There are some problems. Most importantly, Scrabble has been erased. But, I will try and survive. Also, all of our Christmas labels and other junk were erased.

Several thoughts:

1. I may be needing some of you as character witnesses. I seem to have zonked Yulia in the eye this evening:(. I was pulling something out of the hot oven and of course, tried to remove it without a hot pad. And, of course, she was standing within inches(totally in my space, as she always is) Well, I jumped back and my left hand went flying into her upper right eyebrow. She's quite the drama queen, but I think it must have hurt. Plus, she had injured her toe earlier in the evening when she ran into the ottoman while dancing. So, let me know if you'll be willing to speak in my behalf should we be carried to court.

2. FYI, if anyone cares, there is an O'Fallon, Missouri and an O'Fallon, Illinois. No my friend, I didn't realize it either. Imagine my surprise when I realized the Hannah Montana movie tickets we had purchased for an unbelievable amount of money were for O'Fallon, Illinois and not O'Fallon Missouri. Yes, I figured this out the morning of the movie. Needless to say, I wasn't driving to Illinois to see some stupid HM flick, so I was able to twist the arm of the Missouri theatre to honor our tickets. Of course, it's hard to not have one's arm twisted when the 10 year old who's with you is wearing a HM wig. (See earlier posts)

3. Swimming lessons are over. The young lad at the "Y" had the audacity to ask us if we had signed up for swimming lessons next semester. Uh......NOOOOOOO!!!!! Apparently this young man doesn't realize one must teach a child proper breathing techniques before beginning swimming lessons. Our next venture is soccer. Should be interesting. Of course, Paul and I know nothing about soccer, which could be to the coach's advantage.

I told Yulia we would be starting soccer soon. She said, "Mom, you no soccer. You too big." Truth hurts, doesn't it.

4. I may not be putting JCP out of business after all. I had a good chat with my friend the manager this week, regarding an item I was returning after the 90 day grace period. We're becoming fast friends.

5. We are on the lookout for a new photography place. Colyn will be visiting Father's Day weekend and we want to get some pictures made. Plus, Easter's coming up and Yulia has 3 outfits in which she needs to be photographed. My friend, MB suggested the studio at Baby's R Us, but the closest one is in O'Fallon, Illinois(that is.)

6. Yulia's very thrilled her hair can fit into a semi ponytail when using two small vertical tails! I'll have to post a picture.

7. If you want a Christmas card next year, please send us your address to my e mail:

8. Can you tell I've been doing some wine tasting tonight???

Love to all,

The Barrys


kim said...

Wow... things are crazy around your abode too. Never a dull moment.

The Weilers said...

Karen - I've never been to the one here, but we used Picture People for our family picture last year. There's one at West County Mall I's not like going to an independent professional photographer but it's very affordable. I can show you our pictures if you're interested.